Dec 30, 2006

in the zone

This is my second entry for today. haha dunno why but after being cut off from the world for so long i actively seek to make amends.

I think im becoming a serious shopaholic. The amount of time i spend shopping, trying on clothes and all would put my sister to shame.

A bigger chunk of my allowance is now in the "SAVE CEPHAS'S WARDROBE" fund. Which i might add is never in 3digit land.

Linda liao!!!

Dec 29, 2006

a new year!

wherever you go i will be waiting
whenever you call i will be there
Whatever it takes i know im in your heart tonight.
I'm in your heart tonight(:

Dec 13, 2006

Gone so Young

I'm sorry to all if i seemed unstable the last entry. It was a PMS-adolescent-whining-The world hates me- phase.
Just came back from church camp. Played Polar bear till 5am or some shit like that. Those people are amazing. Can entertain themselves for infinitely long periods. This also means that i laughed for about 8 hours straight and am now increasingly delusional and hallucinating.

Does anyone have XBOX games? im sick of Project Gotham Racing.

Dec 10, 2006

It sucks

21 days left to the end of the year. Yet the word surrounding what my life this year has revolved around is failure.

Failure to keep you happy. Failure to make the NJC soccer team. Failure to prevent my friends from drifting away.

Someone once commented that success as a person is how many people remember your birthday. Failure again.

This again is no stranger to my life of half chances, regrets and falling short. I cant even count the number of times i have told myself "I should have done this." or regretted what i have done or said.

My heart hurts. It sounds so melodramatic and so emo "john-huang style" but its true and i cannot take this. Somewhere somehow, the hurting must stop. I cant see the end but you are all i got.

The clutching ache on the left of my chest is now a dull throb that is emotionally draining. This transcends physical pain.

"somewhere, the pain must stop." Terry fox.

Dec 6, 2006

dark horse

we are playing the combined clubs centre of excellence tomorrow. like wtf.

on a brighter note, i tried to cook coldsoba noodles today, following the instructions on the packet. it tasted horrible.

Dec 4, 2006

so much for words

You know how people use the phrase "words cant describe" ?
I want to blog on a most unforgettable birthday; on my feelings; on everything that has happened. But fuck, I have been staring at this white box for five minutes and the words aren't coming out. Fuck.

i got you.